Spring is in the Air

Spring is in the air, oh how I look forward to my daily commute in the daylight.

Over the winter months I often question myself when cycling to and from work along one of the busiest bus routes in the UK.  The dark morning and evening commute is often wet, miserable and dangerous battling with rush hour traffic.  Leaving and returning home when it is dark often takes the shine off my usually enjoyable commute.  Although any doubt is quickly put to bed when I pass bus stops full of people waiting for the magic bus to take them in to the city centre.  The thought of paying to get to work on a dirty and over crowded bus fills me fear and that is what drives me through the dark winter months.

Now it is late February and and I leave the house in daylight and my return journey is at dusk I know that spring is in the air and my commute will become enjoyable again.  I will soon be able to pack my lights away for another few months happy at the thought of many daylight hours ahead in the saddle.